Investor FAQ
What is Saratoga Investment Corp.'s stock ticker symbol?
Where is Saratoga Investment Corp.'s stock traded?
New York Stock Exchange
When was Saratoga Investment Corp.'s IPO?
March 23, 2007
Where is Saratoga Investment Corp. incorporated?
When is Saratoga Investment Corp.'s fiscal year-end?
February 28
Where is the Company's corporate headquarters?
535 Madison Avenue
New York, NY 10022
Who is Saratoga Investment Corp.'s transfer agent and how do I contact them?
Does the Company have a dividend reinvestment plan?
Yes. Please contact your broker directly to inform them if you wish to participate in the plan.
Who is the Company's independent auditor?
Ernst & Young
What is a CLO (collateralized loan obligation fund)?
A CLO (Collateralized Loan Obligation) is a special purpose vehicle that issues debt and equity for its capital, and uses that capital to purchase senior secured bank loans as assets to provide a steady stream of income.
How can someone report complaints or concerns related to financial statement disclosures, accounting, internal accounting controls or auditing matters about Saratoga Investment Corp.?
All issues relating to Saratoga Investment Corp.'s financial statement disclosures, accounting, internal accounting controls or auditing matters should be sent to the Audit Committee via the following form:
What is Saratoga Investment Corp.’s ticker symbol for 8.0% baby bond notes due 2027?
What is Saratoga Investment Corp.’s ticker symbol for 6.0% baby bond notes due 2027?
What is the Tax Classification of the Company's Dividends?
Dividends are reported on a 1099 as ordinary non-qualified dividends.